Monday, January 28, 2008

Government employment

I had the misfortune of being present during a seminar hosted by a foreign embassy wherein the participants were from government offices. The said embassy paid for everything, including the food, and was the ones responsible for the menu served during the luncheon. I thought my ears had gone crazy when someone approached the caterer and inquired in an angry tone: "Baket walang kanin?! (Why is there no rice?!)" considering the person asking is well aware that the menu for the function was selected by the foreign embassy. I immediately wanted to react and say that he/she should be thankful for being fed free food or if they had an qualms about the food, they should take it up with the embassy representatives. There was also one who wanted all the unconsumed food wrapped up as if they paid for it. Amazing. It shows that people will always try to get everything they can as long as it’s free. I understand its a natural reaction for some (technically I'd understand more if they were impoverished and were suffering from malnutrition not the plump exteriors that these pompous individuals were strutting it.) since free stuff have a different attraction but if they were in government, it makes we wonder what they imagine "free stuff" to be, say something other people already paid for, other people like taxpayers? :D